Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome In Children

To describe clinical features, demographic data, and complications of the patients with SRUS, which is a rare cause of rectal bleeding in children. Eleven patients diagnosed with Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome (SRUS) were evaluated. The patients assessed by colonoscopy and the biopsies were investigated. The data evaluated in SPSS Program. The exact Method of the Chi-square test was used to compare groups according to qualitative variables. P <0.05 value was considered statistically significant. The most common symptom of the patients was rectal bleeding followed by abdominal pain and constipation. Lesions were mostly ulcerative in the endoscopic examination. There was a statistically significant relationship between the admission symptom and the response to treatment. Patients with abdominal pain and rectal bleeding had poor responses to treatment. In conclusion, SRUS is not uncommon than is thought in pediatric patients with the symptoms of rectal bleeding and constipation. SRUS should be considered in patients with or without rectal prolapse, with any complaints of any lesions in the rectum, hematochezia, and tenesmus.